Welcome to my blog! It's a collection of pictures I've taken and thoughts that have come to me since I began my sabbatical wandering. There's no specific theme other than my desire to experience the spirituality of different cultures and places. I welcome your comments and conversation. It's a wonderful trip for me and I thank you for sharing it.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Women of Courage

Isibindi means courage. The Isibindi Program has about 50 sites throughout South Africa located mostly in the black townships - often referred to also as "locations". Women from the townships are recruited and trained to be case workers who then go into homes of families who have requested their help in caring for children orphaned by AIDS. Most often the children are related in some way, though some are taken in my neighbors.

The help a case worker offers ranges from teaching about medicines and condoms to helping with home work. Advocacy is also a big part of their work in the legal, educational and even social arenas. There is emotional support for girls and women abused and raped by neighbors or family members. They will visit, travel with, sit with and fight for the women and children in their care.

The squalor of these townships is appalling and the conditions under which the families live and these women do their work is heart breaking. Yet living in the townships they earn trust by making relationships not only with the clients but those watching to see how this program works - before they too request help.

Sisters Monica and Heidi (from the order of the Little Sisters of Jesus) have management oversight for three Isibindi sites and are formidable advocates in directing the program and raising funds to offset the meager support from the Easter Cape Province. They train managers who train and give support to the case workers. Their office is the mini-van they drive in hundreds of miles each week. A focal point for each site is a playground with classrooms made out of storage containers or corrugated metal. Around the yard are swings and a slide with tables and chairs in whatever shade can be found.

A new initiative is creating Safe Parks, expanding into the rural communities with other fenced in yards. These are supervised so children can play away from crushing chores, often abusive households, molestation or attacks. Since the heat can be oppressive, shade coverings are constructed. Bathroom facilities are corrugated steel out houses. As hard s it is for most of us to comprehend this level of poverty, these safe parks are a stride forward to give these children safe environments to have a childhood.

The Isibindi Program began approximately eight years ago and is growing out of the desperate need. Heidi and Monica started this program four years ago with 18 children. They now have over 1400 registered. There are 14 case workers and 5 managers. Each case worker has about 45 families they visit.

The staggering need would overwhelm most people. These women have a courage and conviction that dwarfs anyone I've ever met. Some told me stories of their lives and what led them to what they describe as their vocation. Rising from cultural conditions that keep women down, they found voices that freed them and they call out to other women with life giving hope.

As I was leaving I asked if I could take their picture. Not only could I, but they wanted to sing a song for me. I'm unable at this point to upload the video I took with my camera, but their voices sang out with strength and beauty. I was speechless and stood there in tears. When I finally could talk, I asked them if I could pray with them. They smiled wide and we held hands praying God's blessing on their work and the children they serve.

1 comment:

Clark said...

Hi Bernie, What a great story about the sisters! I love looking at the photos of Taize, too. I remember being deeply grateful at being over 30 when I visited there!! Hope you got enough to eat...I remember it was a challenge. This is my last weekend in Italy then back to USA and Little Portion for our Chapter.

Where are you now?